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Showing posts from September, 2016

Kylie's Guide to Spray Tanning

Hey everyone, I hope you all are having a fantastic day.  I get asked almost daily about how to prep for a spray tan and how to maintain it.  I figured I would post it on here so everyone can have something to refer to.  The three things that I suggest doing before a spray tan is shower, shave, and exfoliate. I also suggest doing this as close to the time of the spray tan as possible.  If you don't prep your skin properly the spray tan will not last as long.  I also get asked if there is any specific product I suggest exfoliating with.  As of right now the answer is no.  I have not yet found an exfoliating product that is a game changer.  If I find one I will let you all know.  There are lots of exfoliating scrubs specifically for spray tans out there if you are interested in purchasing and trying one. I have recently tried out the Norvell prep spray.  The reviews on this product were great so I decided to try it out.  It is basic...