Co-parenting.....oh the joys! This has been a hot topic on my Facebook newsfeed lately. I think anyone that has to co-parent doesn't enjoy it. It can be very difficult and a huge struggle. Some people are great at it and I envy those people. Some people wish they could parent alone instead of having to co-parent and I have been right there with you. Over the past almost five years my co-parenting style has definitely evolved. Right now it is somewhat non-existent and that is just the way I like it. I have decided that Mason's father can choose how much involvement he wants in Mason's life but I am not going to go out of my way to force it on him. The door is always open to call Mason whenever he wants and to come to Mason's activities. Even though that door is open.....he rarely uses it. I inform him of the things that I am legally required to notify him about and he will text me randomly every once in awhile to see how Maso...