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National FFA Week

This week is National FFA Week so I thought it would be the perfect time to write about FFA and everything it has done for me.  What I have taken away from FFA isn't all of my medals, plaques, and certificates but the life skills that I have gained from being in such a rewarding organization.  From FFA I have learned....

Speaking skills- From FFA Leadership Skills Events (LSE's) I have learned how to speak in front of a crowd.  If it wasn't for FFA I wouldn't have the courage or knowledge to pursue my dream of talking to kids.  This is not just a skill that can win me a medal but a skill that will benefit me for the rest of my life.

Interview skills-FFA has prepared me for so many job interviews.  From past FFA officer interviews and SAE interviews, I can now walk into job interviews confident.  I also walk in confident that if they ask me which kitchen utensil I would be and why...I could answer it.  Only Ainsworth FFA Chapter members would get that, and by the way, I would be a spoon.

People skills- From all of the FFA camps, competitions, and activities I have learned people skills.  I have learned how to walk into a room full of complete strangers and make friends.   I have met so many great people through FFA and from that I have made so many great memories.

Leadership skills-FFA taught me to be a leader.  You quickly learn that when you put on that blue and gold jacket you are held to a higher set of standards.  You are representing an organization that people respect and look up to.  FFA teaches you how to be a great role model.

This is only the beginning of the list of things I have taken away from FFA.  I will forever hold FFA close to my heart and be grateful for those experiences. Happy National FFA Week!


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