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Showing posts from May, 2016

My AMAZING Hair Secret

If you are like me you can never find time to schedule a haircut.  I have always had bad split ends ever since I can remember.  I usually need a haircut about every 6 weeks because of my terrible ends.  I now haven't gotten a haircut since December!  It is all because I finally decided to try coconut oil.  I purchased the coconut oil one night because my ends were getting bad, but I of course couldn't find time to get a haircut. I discovered that coconut oil does wonders!  I melt the oil but running hot water over the jar. I then apply it all over my hair and let it set for about an hour.  After the coconut oil sets in I wash it out in the shower.  It is that simple.  I only do it when my ends start to get bad.  It honestly keeps my ends looking better longer than a haircut does. I never would have imagined that I could go this long without a haircut! Thank goodness for coconut oil! (Pictured below is my hair after I applied the cocon...

The Time When I Stood Up Alone

When I was at college at NECC I loved going to class.  I loved going because the whole year previously I had done college online.  You don't know how great it is to listen to a teacher and be around other students until you have taken online classes.  One day about halfway through the semester I was in my business management class.  It was one of my biggest classes with about 30 students.  That day we were learning about diversity.  My teacher did a little activity where she read something off and if it pertained to you, you stood up to show there was diversity everywhere.  She started off by naming an eye color, then religion, and race, she went on and on and then she got to...children.  I took a deep breath and stood up.  All eyes were on me because I was the only one standing. There were literally gasps in the classroom (I am not even kidding).  I am sure that my classmates thought that they knew me but they had just found out that th...