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Mason Update

The other day Mason went to the eye doctor.  It was our third time going because I have always been concerned about his vision since mine is so bad.  Unfortunately my fear came true.  Mason has my astigmatism.  Mason will be in eye glasses no later than age 4.  The doctor didn't want to put him in glasses yet because he would just fight them and it would do more bad than good.  We will be going back in 6 months to get his eyes checked out again.

Mason is FINALLY potty trained!!! It is very exciting. No more diapers except at bedtime.  Mason loves wearing his "big boy pants."  He has been doing great and I hope it continues.

I had a couple days off from work this week using up my vacation time before the end of the year.  I loved getting to spend some quality time with Mason. We went swimming which is Mason's absolute favorite.  It was nice enough that we got to take multiple trips to the park.  We also drove around and looked at Christmas lights.  Mason LOVED it.  He really enjoys all of the lights around town, especially the trains.  I think we spotted 3 or 4 in town.  We attended more of Aunt Bree's basketball games which we really enjoy.  Mason loves to socialize with all of the kids there. Mason also enjoyed a one on one ice cream date with Mommy.  It has been great getting to spend so much time together.

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